• Eat a well-balanced diet. It will keep your body healthy and excess sebum production may not be a problem. In return, you prevent acne.
Trying these solutions is not bad as some of them may work. But do they actually tell you the cause of acne and give you the solution? No! Using those treatments is like being in pitch dark not knowing at all where you're going.
Regardless of what kind of homemade solution you may wish to try out, it is important to note that doing it with a sense of dedication can further yield positive results. Rubbing your skin with any of those treatments mentioned above will not help eliminate your zits instantly. There is no instant cure, after all. So whatever homemade acne treatment you prefer, apply it following a strict set of rules which should continue for over a period of time.
tags: things to stop acne, acne laser treatment care dry skin, best foundation combination acne prone skin