Top 10 ways to get rid on acne

« ...Erythromycin is next in line behind clindamycin as the topical antibiotic of choice used to treat acne. This is available as a solution, gel or ointment at 2% strength. Again, as with clindamycin, you apply twice a day to all acne prone areas, and it, too, is generally well tolerated, with some irritation possible. It's safe for use if you are or may become pregnant....
...This is completely natural and an outbreak of acne can be very traumatic to the average teenager. In the older person, the drive to be attractive to the opposite sex is still there, but it is tempered by age and maturity. The stress comes about when they wonder if the outbreak of acne is a sign of a more serious problem within their body....»
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«...Homemade recipes provide treatment and remedies that many people prefer, instead of using over the counter products. There are many homemade recipes that provide natural treatment for varying degrees of acne, helping people avoid conventional treatments and prescription drugs that often cause serious side effects. Here are a few quick and easy home remedies for fighting acne:...»
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tags: tips to help cure acne fast, 10 foods that stop acne, pantothenic acid for acne