« ...An alternative treatment is injecting some cortisone into the cysts that helps decreasing the inflammatory conditions. Accutane is another treatment that is used by many dermatologists because of its severe nature of the acne. It is the teratogenic effects of Accutane that is a major caution as its use in pregnant women is not well established. Women should therefore go for some appropriate birth control methods at least a month prior to the therapy, during the therapy, and for one month after therapy has been stopped. It is better for the women to consult doctor about when it is okay to conceive after the therapy Accutane is over. This is problematical as many women develop cystic acne due to bodily hormonal imbalance. Moreover, Accutane is far-familiar to have some depressive effects on young males....
...If you suffer from acne, what would a fresh, clean blemish-free appearance mean to you?...»
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acne-types.blogspot.com «...Acne fulminans ...»
Full Text: http://best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
tags: ive suffered from acne for 3 years on my back, clear acne, acne and black head causes